Geoff writes about digital innovation, politics, policy, business and life.

After founding and running one of the world’s largest and most successful digital agencies for 18 years, Geoff now works with start-ups and enterprises as a board member, advisor and investor. Geoff was a founder of pioneering digital agency Roundarch, which became Isobar US in 2012. Geoff has spent 25+ years helping companies create transformational digital platforms and experiences. Under Geoff’s leadership Isobar was recognized as a Leading Digital Agency by analysts Gartner and Forrester, a Top Ten Innovation Agency by Forrester, by Fast Company as one of the Most Innovative Companies in the World 2018 and won numerous awards including a Cannes Lion Grand Prix for Digital Craft in 2018.

Age Differentiation is Key to Re-opening the Economy

Age Differentiation is Key to Re-opening the Economy

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We all understand that COVID-19 is deadlier for the very old. But there are significantly different risks across all age groups which escalate precipitously with age. This varies from a nearly non-existent risk for people under 20 years old to about a 10% risk of death for those 85+. This age-based difference is so significant, that it should be a key component of differentiating policies for how we open up the economy with older, retirement-age, people asked to isolate for much longer than the majority of working-age Americans. It’s time for this to become a serious part of the discussion.

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The All-Knowing Internet:  Your Personal Data Reveals Everything About You

The All-Knowing Internet: Your Personal Data Reveals Everything About You